TL;DR: Buying a Makerbot, Still no OpenPandora console, building a robot hand v3.0, Done with school, Job hunting.
- I’ve decided to invest my money in buying a MakerBot CupCake CNC machine. It’s going to further my robot building projects drastically. Instead of building my own 3d printer from parts I’ve scavenged, I’ll save the time to further invest in robots. It will be a few months before I can collect the necessary funds. I hope to have one by the end of Spring.
- I have not received my OpenPandora yet, expecting shipment some time this month. (Crosses fingers)
- I’ve been learning Google Sketchup to get a head start on 3D printing with the MakerBot. Working out the kinks of my robot hand (Pictured above).
- I have completed all the requirements to fulfill a double major in Computer Engineering and Computer Science.
- Since I am now out of school and with out a job I am officially a bum. Time to submit my resume to places and see if I can start to collect a paycheck and further my education.