Released into the ‘Verse
Robotic Hand Prototype 3D Print Version 3.0!
Video of newly printed Robotic Hand:
Flickr set:
Work in progress…
Mentioned in Makerbot Blog
I got a mention in a blog post over at MakerBot Industries. Check it out!
Robotic Hand Prototype 3D Print
From inception, to design, to creation. The journey continues…
Flickr Set:
Plastic Casting Tutorial – Alumilite Mini Casting Kit
A new page is up, Plastic Casting Tutorial. Come and read up on my experiences using the Alumilite Mini Casting Kit. Every robot builder will need plastic parts sooner or later, give it a read!
Robotic Hand Released into the ‘Verse
I have submitted my robotic hand into Thingiverse.com to enter a MAKE contest for a chance to win a Cupcake Makerbot. What does that mean? Well, if you have access to a 3d printer you can print out my hand! Please contact me if you do so, I’m dying to find out how it works. I’ve hit a wall, and can’t refine the design until I know the limitations of the machine that prints my hand.
Check it out:
Update, I got a mention on MAKE!:
Video: Robotic Hand Prototype v4.5
Model Progress 2
I got a primitive thumb designed. Its not great but it will do for now. 🙂 Click more for the gallery.
Model Progress
Still working out some of the kinks and design flaws. Still missing a thumb of course.