Upgraded Stepper Motors

So I recently got around to replacing the original stepper motors on my Thing-O-Matic with “upgraded” motors. So far so good. My first test prints were of a Stormtrooper helmet. I still haven’t worked the motors hard enough to see any improvements but I’ll get around to that eventually.

CNC Rebuild?

So I’ve gotten to the point where I’m happy with the initial design of my CNC project but desire far greater accuracy. My humble rickety design just isn’t cutting it for repeatable, accurate creations [pun intended]. I’m contemplating creating a sturdier frame out of light/medium gauge steel. I have access to an arc welder and even a MIG welder. I suppose learning to weld together a sturdy steel frame will come in handy for future large scale robotic projects. 🙂

Homemade CNC outfitted with router

Some major improvements in accuracy have been accomplished. No where near the accuracy I need to mill a circuit board but I’ll keep at it. Upward and onward!

Simple Shapes:

Text test:

Simple Gear:

Secret Project Revealed

For the past 6 weeks I’ve been secretly toiling away at creating a CNC machine. The project was largely on the back burner, until recently. I’ve been collecting scavenged parts since last summer. After my last visit to a job fair I had realized that the job market was in terrible shape. I knew I would probably be looking for work for a long time. So I decided to put that extra time in-between interviews to good use. This project is by no means complete. In fact, I’m just getting started. 🙂

Video and Images to follow.

Continue reading “Secret Project Revealed”

What to do with free time?

I’ve decided to start work on completing a “secret” project. What else is there to do when the job market is as bad as it is now? Project completion date of April 1st, 2010 :-).