I wanted to experiment with brass sheet etching but I never used photoresist before. So here is my first trial with a photoresist exposure using a simple pattern mask.

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I wanted to experiment with brass sheet etching but I never used photoresist before. So here is my first trial with a photoresist exposure using a simple pattern mask. #UV #PhotoResist #circuitboard #circuitetching #etching #ultraviolet #blacklight #etch #art #photolithography #photoresist #brass #brassetching #makermovement #makerrevolution #makers #makersgonnamake #DIY #projects #hobby #arttoy #arttoys #designertoy #designertoys #customtoy #Toydesign #customtoys #crafts #DIY

My adventure in fixing my wacom tablet. I cannibalized a usb connector from a usb hub as the replacement part. Solder wick to remove excess solder. Then I used a soldering iron and a hot-air rework station to solder the usb port in place. Good as new!

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My adventure in fixing my wacom tablet. I cannibalized a usb connector from a usb hub as the replacement part. Solder wick to remove excess solder. Then I used a soldering iron and a hot-air rework station to solder the usb port in place. Good as new! #makermovement #makerrevolution #makers #makersgonnamake #DIY #projects #hobby #wacom #wacomtablet #soldering #hotairrework #smd #smt #circuits #circuitboard #usb #usbport #precise #electronics #fixedit #goodasnew #solderwick