TBT to when I made a 3D printed Weeble. Then I painted it to be terrifying lol. Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down!

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TBT to when I made a 3D printed Weeble. Then I painted it to be terrifying lol. Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down! #weebles #weeble #rolypoly #nightmarefuel #scary #frightening #3dprinting #3dprint #3dprinted #3dprints #impresora3d #3dmodel #3дпринтер #3дпечать #blender3d #Blender #B3D #modeling #3dmodeling #arttoy #arttoys #designertoy #designertoys #customtoy #Toydesign #crafts

Blocking out some hair. Wip. Part of a political art toy project

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Blocking out some hair. Wip. Part of a political art toy project #Drumpf #DumpTrump #Resist #indivisible #ManBaby #Puppet #Fascist #totalitarian #autocrat #authoritarian #undemocratic #blender3d #Blender #B3D #modeling #3dmodeling #3dprinting #3dprint #3dprinted #3dprints #arttoy #arttoys #designertoy #designertoys #customtoy

Wip. Part of a political art toy project

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Wip. Part of a political art toy project #Drumpf #DumpTrump #Resist #indivisible #ManBaby #Puppet #Fascist #totalitarian #autocrat #authoritarian #undemocratic #blender3d #Blender #B3D #modeling #3dmodeling #3dprinting #3dprint #3dprinted #3dprints #arttoy #arttoys #designertoy #designertoys #customtoy

Part of a political art toy project

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Part of a political art toy project #Drumpf #DumpTrump #Resist #indivisible #ManBaby #Puppet #Fascist #totalitarian #autocrat #authoritarian #undemocratic #blender3d #Blender #B3D #modeling #3dmodeling #3dprinting #3dprint #3dprinted #3dprints #arttoy #arttoys #designertoy #designertoys #customtoy

Part of a political art toy project

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Part of a political art toy project #Drumpf #DumpTrump #Resist #indivisible #ManBaby #Puppet #Fascist #totalitarian #autocrat #authoritarian #undemocratic #blender3d #Blender #B3D #modeling #3dmodeling #3dprinting #3dprint #3dprinted #3dprints #arttoy #arttoys #designertoy #designertoys #customtoy

Part of a political art toy project

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Part of a political art toy project #Drumpf #DumpTrump #Resist #indivisible #ManBaby #Puppet #Fascist #totalitarian #autocrat #authoritarian #undemocratic #blender3d #Blender #B3D #modeling #3dmodeling #3dprinting #3dprint #3dprinted #3dprints #arttoy #arttoys #designertoy #designertoys #customtoy

An FDM print and an SLA print of the Origami Unicorn from the film Blade Runner.

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An FDM print and an SLA print of the Origami Unicorn from the film Blade Runner. #BladeRunner2049 #BladeRunner #Replicant #Nexus6 #voightkampff #unicorn #TyrellCorporation #tannhausergate #blender3d #Blender #B3D #modeling #3dmodeling #arttoy #arttoys #designertoy #designertoys #customtoy #Toydesign #customtoys #scifi #3dprinter #3dprinting #3dprint #3dprinted #3dprints #RyanGosling #HarrisonFord

I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears…in…rain….

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I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears…in…rain…. #BladeRunner2049 #BladeRunner #Replicant #Nexus6 #voightkampff #unicorn #TyrellCorporation #tannhausergate #blender3d #Blender #B3D #modeling #3dmodeling #arttoy #arttoys #designertoy #designertoys #customtoy #Toydesign #customtoys #scifi #3dprinter #3dprinting #3dprint #3dprinted #3dprints #RyanGosling #HarrisonFord

My 3D Printed version of the unicorn origami from the film Blade Runner. If you haven’t seen it yet go watch it! Such a great film.

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My 3D Printed version of the unicorn origami from the film Blade Runner. If you haven’t seen it yet go watch it! Such a great film. #BladeRunner2049 #BladeRunner #Replicant #Nexus6 #voightkampff #unicorn #TyrellCorporation #tannhausergate #blender3d #Blender #B3D #modeling #3dmodeling #arttoy #arttoys #designertoy #designertoys #customtoy #Toydesign #customtoys #scifi #3dprinter #3dprinting #3dprint #3dprinted #3dprints #RyanGosling #HarrisonFord