ARM fills out CPU lineup with Cortex A5


From Ars Technica:

ARM has announced a new addition to the Cortex family, the low-end Cortex A5. This very simple, in-order, single-issue core is designed to scale up in clockspeed and performance from phones to low-end netbooks.


ARM Powered Gaming Device, Nearly Complete


Good news from the folks over at OpenPandora. They have been feverishly working on an ARM® Cortexâ„¢-A8 based gaming handheld system. Now it looks like they are nearing completion. Personally, I can’t wait to receive mine. I’ve been patiently waiting for over a year. I will give a full run-down and report as soon as I get my hands on mine.

More info

Ubuntu on ARM


…Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition is the first version of Ubuntu to officially support ARM architectures. Ubuntu 9.04 on ARM is designed to run on hardware that is generally only available in prototype to developers. So while the software is fully available for anyone that wants to use it, it will generally only run well on the hardware specified below…

Thanks to my good friend for the heads up. Link.

Summer Internship at UCLA

So I’m placing a lot of my projects on hold, including the robotic hand. I’m learning a ton of great things here at UCLA. Don’t fret, technology is a dark and twisted mistress. I will be back and working on my side projects when I can find the spare time. 🙂


Prototype-1 Robotic Hand Frame

Here is my first attempt at a robotic hand frame. I learned a lot creating this version and a redesign will definitely need to be made. Problems were found and will be addressed in Prototype-2. Enjoy the video.

Freakin Sweet Rumor

Is Windows 7 launch set to reveal ARM processor support?


But now Warren East, president and CEO of ARM Holdings plc (Cambridge, England) has been dropping hints about Microsoft Windows and ARM while concluding that he, of course, could not possibly comment.

[EETimes Link]