So the bad news is it appears the laser tube is bad. Prob damaged during shipping. Going to get it replaced. We’ll pick this up when the part arrives. Keep on truckin’

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So the bad news is it appears the laser tube is bad. Prob damaged during shipping. Going to get it replaced. We’ll pick this up when the part arrives. Keep on truckin’ #NewHobby #NewToy #laser #engraving #lazer #LaserCutter #LaserEngraver #Engraver #LaserCutting #fabrication #fablab #engraved #etching #lasercut #FrickinLaserBeams #makermovement #makerrevolution #makers #makersgonnamake #DIY #projects #hobby

The red dot you see is not the CO2 cutting laser. It is a secondry positioning laser pointer. The cutting laser is not visible while powered. The cutting laser is not powered here. NEVER operate the machine with the cover open while the cutting laser is armed. Follow all safety practices. I’m just checking that the homing procedure works properly with the end stops installed.

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The red dot you see is not the CO2 cutting laser. It is a secondry positioning laser pointer. The cutting laser is not visible while powered. The cutting laser is not powered here. NEVER operate the machine with the cover open while the cutting laser is armed. Follow all safety practices. I’m just checking that the homing procedure works properly with the end stops installed. #NewHobby #NewToy #laser #engraving #lazer #LaserCutter #LaserEngraver #Engraver #LaserCutting #fabrication #fablab #engraved #etching #lasercut #FrickinLaserBeams #makermovement #makerrevolution #makers #makersgonnamake #DIY #projects #hobby

Status update. I found an issue with one of the limit switches. It was sticking out too far and interfering with the homing of that particular axis. This caused it never to home and the stepper motor would just click endlessly as it bumped up against the end of the rail. After repositioning it homes just fine.

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Status update. I found an issue with one of the limit switches. It was sticking out too far and interfering with the homing of that particular axis. This caused it never to home and the stepper motor would just click endlessly as it bumped up against the end of the rail. After repositioning it homes just fine. #NewHobby #NewToy #laser #engraving #lazer #LaserCutter #LaserEngraver #Engraver #LaserCutting #fabrication #fablab #engraved #etching #lasercut #FrickinLaserBeams #makermovement #makerrevolution #makers #makersgonnamake #DIY #projects #hobby

This is the back of the machine were the CO2 laser tube is kept. You can see the first of the 3 first surface mirrors used to direct the beam.

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This is the back of the machine were the CO2 laser tube is kept. You can see the first of the 3 first surface mirrors used to direct the beam. #NewHobby #NewToy #laser #engraving #lazer #LaserCutter #LaserEngraver #Engraver #LaserCutting #fabrication #fablab #engraved #etching #lasercut #FrickinLaserBeams #makermovement #makerrevolution #makers #makersgonnamake #DIY #projects #hobby

Status: fixed minor mechanical issues. Tightened up loose screws etc. Removed dust. Cleaned the optics. Inspected the wiring. First firing test scheduled for tomorrow.

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Status: fixed minor mechanical issues. Tightened up loose screws etc. Removed dust. Cleaned the optics. Inspected the wiring. First firing test scheduled for tomorrow. #NewHobby #NewToy #laser #engraving #lazer #LaserCutter #LaserEngraver #Engraver #LaserCutting #fabrication #fablab #engraved #etching #lasercut #FrickinLaserBeams #makermovement #makerrevolution #makers #makersgonnamake #DIY #projects #hobby

Missing pieces for my laser cutter? No problemo. I got a 3d printer and ill design skillz. Getting closer to the first test firing.

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Missing pieces for my laser cutter? No problemo. I got a 3d printer and ill design skillz. Getting closer to the first test firing. #NewHobby #NewToy #laser #engraving #lazer #LaserCutter #LaserEngraver #Engraver #LaserCutting #fabrication #fablab #engraved #etching #lasercut #FrickinLaserBeams #makermovement #makerrevolution #makers #makersgonnamake #DIY #projects #hobby

Damn it China. You had one job. Missing a few screws and ball bearings. Nothing too bad so far. Hope to do a crude test before the weekend ends. Crosses fingers.

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Damn it China. You had one job. Missing a few screws and ball bearings. Nothing too bad so far. Hope to do a crude test before the weekend ends. Crosses fingers. #NewHobby #NewToy #laser #engraving #lazer #LaserCutter #LaserEngraver #Engraver #LaserCutting #fabrication #fablab #engraved #etching #lasercut #FrickinLaserBeams #makermovement #makerrevolution #makers #makersgonnamake #DIY #projects #hobby